
Friday, May 16, 2014

A cubic gives cubic

I ask you a question and the answer is very simple. But it has a very interesting conclusion in it. The question is "If we take a cubic equation and consider A as one number. Now If we find the difference of the roots from this point A and frame an equation which gives the values. What will we get."

The answer is very simple and is a cubic. The expression will be a cubic because we know that there are three roots and each value will be at a constant distance from the given number A. So there will be three numbers and a cubic equation only gives three values i.e. three numbers when equated to zero.

Now the question arises how can we find that equation. Suppose the equation is f(x) and the number is A. Then, the required equation is
f(x+δ) = f(x) + f'(x)δ /1!+ f''(x)(δ)² /2!+ f'''(x)(δ)³/3! +...

The above equation can be helpful for a cubic if we know one root.

Suppose the equation is f(x) = (x - 1)(x - 2)(x - 3)
= x³ - 6x² + 11x - 6

Now as 1 is a root then
f(1+δ) = f(1) + f'(1)δ/1! + f''(1)(δ)² /2!+ f'''(1)(δ)³/3!
f(1+δ) = f(1) + (3x2 - 12x + 11)δ + (6x - 12)(δ)²/2 + 6(δ)³/6   x=1
f(1+δ) = 2δ - 3δ² + δ³
f(1+δ) = δ(2 - 3δ + δ²)
For the other roots f(1+δ) = 0 So,
Solving, δ(2 - 3δ + δ²) = 0
we get, δ = 0,1,2. Hence the roots are 1,2,3.

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