
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Life like an equation and astrology

If we consider our universe to be a big computing machine. Then everything in this universe can be guided by equations. Then we can also consider our life to be guided by an equation. And the course of our country or the life of earth as the superposition of all the equations. Which is very similar to Fourier Series except here the building blocks are not sine or cosine but algebraic polynomial of varying degrees.

Now consider a bank. The bank has many customers. The amount of money in the bank depends on its customers. If the money of the customers is at peek then the money with the bank is huge but if the money with the customers is less then the cash pile of the bank is less. As we have considered the life of human beings as equations then the money in the bank is purely guided by money equations of the customers. Here money equation denote the equations which guide the money with a specific human whose equation it is.

Usually it is very hard to access equations of all the human beings present on earth. So we use statistics to arrive at such equations which guide our economy, life , etc. Statistics gives the superposition of all the equations at a point. Now, suppose if there are ten humans on Earth and they constitute the system of earth. Now, if we try to access values of a certain variable like total money present with all of them,then we will have to access ten such points i.e. at ten instants. We may then form 10 equations and such equations can give the values of the constants. But here we don't know whether the amount of money with each human depends on 10 terms with different different coefficient and powers only and they are same in all the equations. But it does not matter as if it depends on more then we will get dependent solutions and they can be useful to find if one or more values are known.

The most important thing which comes in our way is the rate at which the life of a person goes in nature. Like someone acquires height at a very fast pace and some acquires at a very small pace. This thing is found if we look at the life of the person.

Astrology is a kind of solutions to these equations. It details when our life equations with the slopes. It tells when they will be the maximum, when it will be the minimum and when they are smooth. So if one equation of the life of a person is governed by 20 degree polynomial then it may have 19 inflexion points i.e.minimum and maximum. As our universe consists of stars, planets and many other things they guide our life as their life is much smooth compared to our life. They depends on less factors.

At last
Astrology is a simplified science.

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