
Saturday, June 14, 2014

More Dimensions Less freedom

You may wonder how can a person suffer from less freedom if he has more and more dimensions. In mathematics the more dimensions you have the more freedom you have. If there is one dimension then the life of a person is confined to a straight line. If he has two dimensions then he can move in a plane. If he has three dimensions then he can move in space. These three dimensions in physics are called of space. The next dimension which comes is fourth dimension and in physics it is called a dimension of time. These four dimensions clearly define the life of a human being. The first three define the position and the last defines the time he is present in. But according to me if someone lives in many dimensions and the number of dimensions increase then his life becomes more and more specific. Let us see how.

When a person lives in one dimension and its other dimensions are sleeping then  his sleeping dimensions can take any value at any instant of time as they are not defined. Our life will become simple if we consider a person living in three dimensions and the fourth dimension is sleeping. As no specific value is assigned to the fourth dimension so the fourth co-ordinate can be anything. If a person is at (2,2,3) then his fourth coordinate if it comes into being can be 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or anything among infinite values of numbers. Now if we call the fourth dimension a dimension of time then the person can reach any time if he is able to interact with the fourth dimension. And this thing forms the basis of time travel. Now as we know that we cannot be present at many places at the same time so there can be no more freedom for the fourth dimension and our time dimension exist and is united with the three dimensions we have.  If there would have been only three dimensions then if we are able to interact with the fourth dimension or create a dimension which runs through the three dimensions then we could travel time. Now you would have understood that the more dimensions are defined the more freedom we loose.

The more dimensions are defined the more freedom we loose.

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