
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Whether real or complex (Quadratic Equation)

This post deals with the conditions to check whether the roots are real or complex. The roots are real when the graph really cuts the x-axis. When we look at the graph of a quadratic equation we see a cup like structure or cap like structure. Let us check when it is cup like and cap like. We call the cup like structure concave upward and a cap like structure convex upward. The quadratic equation is ax2 + bx + c = 0. Let it be equal to y or f(x). Now the rate of change of curve is f'(x) = 2ax + b. f(x) is differentiated to obtain f'(x). We again differentiate f'(x) to obtain f''(x), f''(x) = 2a. Now we find the x-coordinate of the point where the slope is zero i.e. f'(x) = 0.

2ax1 + b = 0
⇒ x1 = −b/2a
Now the point on the graph is concave upward or convex upward according as the point at the x-coordinate x1 = −b/2a is maxima or minima. This thing is determined by checking the value of f''(x). If it is positive then the curve has minima and if it is negative then the curve is maxima. We have f''(x) = 2a. It is positive if a is positive and negative when a is negative. Hence we can make following conclusions
  1. concave : The graph is concave upward if a is positive.

    The graph given above is of the function f(x) = 2x2 + 4x - 3.

  2. convex : The graph is convex upward if a is negative.

    The graph given above is of the function f(x) = −2x2 + 4x + 3
Now, we find the y coordinate of the point where it moves upward or downward traveling from x = −∞ at x = -b/2a. It changes its direction at −b/2a to opposite direction of y-axis.
y = ax2 + bx + c
at x = x1 = −b/2a
y1 = a(−b/2a)2 + b(−b/2a) + c
= b2/4a − b2/2a + c
= − b2/4a + c
= − (b2 − 4ac)/4a

Now, four conditions arise as given in the following table
−ve−veThe value of y1 is −ve and the curve is concave downward. The curve will be present below y1. Hence it will cut the x-axis at no points. So the roots are imaginary.

−ve+veThe value of y1 is +ve and the curve is concave downward. The curve will be present below y1. Hence it will cut the x-axis at one or two points. So the roots are real and may be equal if y1 = 0.
+ve−veThe value of y1 is +ve and the curve is concave upward. The curve will be present above y1. Hence it will cut the x-axis at no points. So the roots are imaginary.
+ve+veThe value of y1 is −ve and the curve is concave upward. The curve will be present above y1. Hence it will cut the x-axis at one or two points. So the roots are real and may be equal if  y1 = 0.

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